Ovarian cancer is often termed a silent killer because its early symptoms are subtle and easily overlooked. Women usually discover it in later stages.

One of the first signs is persistent bloating. If you feel bloated most days for three weeks or more, it could be a warning sign.

Abdominal or pelvic pain that doesn’t go away is another key symptom. This pain can be constant or come and go, and it's often mistaken for menstrual cramps.

Changes in eating habits, such as feeling full quickly or losing your appetite, are common. These symptoms can result in noticeable weight loss.

Frequent urination or an urgent need to urinate is also a symptom. This can happen even if you’re drinking the same amount of fluids as usual.

Increased fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness are often dismissed as stress or overwork, but they can be signs of ovarian cancer.

Menstrual changes, including irregular periods or heavier-than-usual bleeding, should not be ignored. Keep track of any changes in your menstrual cycle.

Gastrointestinal issues like indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea can also be symptoms. These are often misdiagnosed as other less serious conditions.

Understanding these silent symptoms is crucial for early detection. If you experience any of these signs persistently, consult a healthcare professional immediately.