Explore essential supplements to enhance your immune system! First up, Vitamin C, a powerhouse for defending against infections.

Next, Vitamin D. Crucial for bone health, it also activates immune defenses. Many Indians are surprisingly deficient.

Zinc plays a vital role, especially in cold and flu season. It helps block viruses from multiplying.

Consider elderberry supplements. Popular for their antioxidant properties, they boost immunity and fight inflammation.

Garlic isn't just for flavor—its compounds strengthen immune cells, helping fend off ailments.

Curcumin, found in turmeric, reduces inflammation and enhances antibody responses. A staple in Indian diets.

Adding probiotics can also improve your immune function by enhancing gut health, where many immune cells reside.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, reduce inflammation, increasing body's ability to combat pathogens.

Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen to tailor it to your needs.