Feeling overwhelmed by work? Burnout is more common than you think! Uncover these key signs that could be pushing you toward burnout, so you can take action before it takes over.

Constant Fatigue: Do you feel exhausted, even after a full  night’s sleep? It may be a major sign of burnout. When you’re always tired, it’s hard to focus and keep up with daily tasks. 

Decreased Productivity:  Is your to-do list growing longer, despite working harder? Burnout often leads to decreased productivity. You might find yourself struggling to complete tasks that once seemed simple. 

Lack of Motivation: Remember when you were excited about your work? If that enthusiasm has faded, and you’re just going through the motions, burnout might be to blame. 

Frequent Illness: Are you catching colds more often or feeling generally unwell?  Burnout can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. 

Sleep Problems: Struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep? Burnout can lead to sleep disturbances, making it even harder to recharge your energy.