On the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday, the Union Health Ministry will launch a massive blood donation drive from September 17 to October 1, which is the national voluntary blood donation day, according to a report.
The Union Health Ministry has also opened the E-Rakt Kosh portal, where donors may register to donate blood beginning September 17. Another alternative is to register for the Arogya Setu App, where donors can register. According to the source, India has adequate storage capacity for blood units. It is believed that India will set a global record, although this is dependent on donations.
“We are trying to motivate donors and create a database so that they can do repeat donations.” ANI reported.
‘The purpose behind the campaign launch is to increase awareness about the need for regular non – remunerated voluntary blood opportunities for social mobilization and social cohesiveness for the noble cause of blood donation. To ensure that blood/components (whole blood /packed red cells//plasma/platelets ) are available, accessible, affordable and safe,” said the report.
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