India records 1.68 Lakh active cases on March 2, 2021 along with 1.57 Lakh deaths in past one week, the Health Ministry revealed in a Press Briefing. 9 states and UTs covered more than 90% of first dose administration.
The active cases constitute 1.51% while the recovered cases constitute 97% of the total cases, it said. The overall case fatality remained 1.41% and overall case positivity remained 5.11%.
The number of tests conducted across the country came out to be 21.7 crores with and outcome of 1.11 crore of total cases.
The increase in daily cases remained marginal. Only 2 states with more than 40,000 cases contribute to 75% of the active cases. One of them is Maharashtra (78,825 cases) and the other one is Kerala (48,159 cases).
On the second day of second phase of vaccine drive, a total of 1,48,55,073 doses were administered to people above 60 years and people aged 45-60 years with comorbidities. 9 states and UTs have given first dose to more than 90% of the eligible HCWs, while 9 states and UTs covered more than 70% FLW vaccination.