
Study suggests association of Lung Hyperinflation With Coronary Artery Disease In SmokersStudy suggests association of Lung Hyperinflation With Coronary Artery Disease In Smokers

Study suggests association of Lung Hyperinflation With Coronary Artery Disease In Smokers

In smokers, including those with airflow restriction, a recent study revealed a robust link between lung hyperinflation and clinical and…

4 years ago
Lung cancer-causing agents must be kept at bayLung cancer-causing agents must be kept at bay

Lung cancer-causing agents must be kept at bay

Lung cancer has emerged as one of the commonest cancer these days. We are aware of World Lung Cancer Day…

4 years ago
Paradigm shift in the management of lung cancer by robotic surgeryParadigm shift in the management of lung cancer by robotic surgery

Paradigm shift in the management of lung cancer by robotic surgery

Interestingly Covid crisis has led to more diagnosis of lung cancers thanks to the usage of HRCT for the management…

4 years ago
Doctors treat chemo-resistant carcinoma patient using Y-shaped tracheal stentDoctors treat chemo-resistant carcinoma patient using Y-shaped tracheal stent

Doctors treat chemo-resistant carcinoma patient using Y-shaped tracheal stent

Doctors recently used a Y-shaped tracheal stent to treat a 51-year-old patient with recurring chemo-resistant carcinoma in his trachea. The…

4 years ago
World TB Day 2021: The Challenge of Drug Resistant TuberculosisWorld TB Day 2021: The Challenge of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

World TB Day 2021: The Challenge of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Although tuberculosis is considered a disease of the past, there has been a resurgence, especially in developing countries across the…

4 years ago