
People with similar bodily odours may bond more socially: ResearchPeople with similar bodily odours may bond more socially: Research

People with similar bodily odours may bond more socially: Research

Researchers discovered that people had a proclivity to make friendships with persons who have similar body odour. The researchers were…

3 years ago
Women itch less than males: ResearchWomen itch less than males: Research

Women itch less than males: Research

According to a study performed by a team of experts at Kyoto University, human females have a considerably lower incidence…

3 years ago
Black coffee can aid with cellulite, skin lightening, anti-aging, and acne?Black coffee can aid with cellulite, skin lightening, anti-aging, and acne?

Black coffee can aid with cellulite, skin lightening, anti-aging, and acne?

On a regular basis, you may rely on your morning cup of coffee to boost your energy and metabolism. Coffee…

3 years ago
Benefits of cold water on faceBenefits of cold water on face

Benefits of cold water on face

Have you ever wondered why your face looks puffy when you first get out of bed in the morning? This…

3 years ago
Discovery of 29 new acne risk genes provides hope for new treatmentsDiscovery of 29 new acne risk genes provides hope for new treatments

Discovery of 29 new acne risk genes provides hope for new treatments

A study of the genetics of acne has identified 29 regions of the genome that influence the condition. These genetic…

3 years ago
Alcoholism linked to poor treatment response in patients, says StudyAlcoholism linked to poor treatment response in patients, says Study

Alcoholism linked to poor treatment response in patients, says Study

According to a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, alcohol consumption is linked to poor treatment response in…

3 years ago

Doctor arrested for demanding Dowry from wife

Ahmedabad: A doctor has been arrested for demanding Rs. 30 lakh as dowry and threatening his wife to hire men…

4 years ago