Mixing certain foods with medications can cause harmful interactions. Being aware of these can help maintain your health.

For instance, grapefruit juice can interfere with various drugs, leading to potentially serious side effects.

Consuming dairy products with antibiotics may reduce their effectiveness, hindering infection treatment.

Leafy greens, high in vitamin K, can diminish the efficacy of blood thinners, risking dangerous clots.

Bananas, rich in potassium, can pose risks when taken with some blood pressure medications, affecting heart health.

Alcohol can intensify medication effects, causing severe drowsiness, dizziness, and potential liver damage.

Caffeine might amplify side effects of stimulants, leading to increased heart rate and heightened anxiety.

Foods high in tyramine, such as aged cheese, can trigger dangerous blood pressure spikes with certain antidepressants.

Always consult your doctor about dietary restrictions while on medication to ensure safe and effective treatment.